
...to the new, improved, and otherworldly ARUGGERI.COM. Here you will find loads of mostly useless information about me, my background, my interests, and my creative pursuits.

What's New

January 2011: I realized recently that 2007 was quite a while ago, and that's the last time I did a major update to the design of my web site. This time around I'm taking the opportunity to redo the navigation, remove some outdated content (which of course is still available in the museum), and generally clean the place up a bit.

Related Sites

ARUGGERI.COM is actually a family of web sites covering various personal interests of mine:

Jurassic Pizza (photography)

DS2 Music (electronica production)

Psychotic Fern (gaming)

External Links

It seems like everyone these days has their information everywhere. While I'm not a huge fan of web-based social networking, particularly a certain intellectual abomination called Twitter, my information is nevertheless spread around as well:



Amazon.com (reviews)


Twitter (the abomination)