
I've often thought that one of the best ways to know a person is to know what they've read. That probably tells you something about me right away. So, in the interests of edification, here is the "things I've read" list going back to 1997 or 1998. I also tend to read several different books at once, alternating between them, and try to fill in the ones I've finished on a regular basis. I'm also an avid reader of Outdoor Photographer and CIO (one of those crappy trade journals for IT executives).

Title Author(s) Comments
Digital Landscape Photography: in the Footsteps of Ansel Adams and the Great MastersMichael FryeI have a lot of photography books, many sitting partially read on my shelf. This one I nearly read through cover-to-cover. It's one of the first books I've encountered that really spoke to the post-processing I use to create my own landscape images, vigorously using Lightroom and Photoshop.
The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story (Kindle Edition)Michael LewisI appreciate Michael Lewis as an author, and The New New Thing was his take on the dot-com boom, written essentially as a biography of Jim Clark, founder of companies like Silicon Graphics and Netscape. Unfortunately, the book was completed before the true dot-com collapse, and so lacks the insightful yet humorous disaster postmortem feel of Liar's Poker and The Big Short.