Art & Media

One of my diversions in life is creating multimedia art for various pursuits in which I am involved. It's a nice way to remind the people around me that I am not just a volleyball player or technologist or whatever else is relevant at the time.


I've designed a number of t-shirts over the years for company events or (more recently) for the volleyball tournaments run by my local YMCA. Here are a couple of my favorite volleyball shirts, and one shirt I made for a long-ago company event:

Release Notices

During my time at InvestorForce, I created and refined a quarterly release process for our software that ran uninterrupted for more than 50 consecutive quarters. It became a tradition for me to craft some sort of interesting notice announcing each quarter's successful release, which began as just glorified emails and evolved into poems, artwork, videos, original music, and even an interactive Powerpoint. Here are a few of my favorites:

ReleaseZilla (an inside joke)

Release Wars (one of a series)

Bug Blitz

Risk Trek

Release Wheaties